Huiyin wins over SCHOTT Solar- According to US District Court of Colorado, SCHOTT Solar CSP GmbH (“SCHOTT”) dismissed all claims unilaterally against Weihai Golden Solar Thermal Industrials Co., Ltd (“Huiyin”), filed on Jan 15, 2016, case number 14-cv-02892-MSK-KLM. Huiyin is considering a case against SCHOTT Solar over unethical business practices.
Huiyin is a manufacturer of receiver tubes in the solar thermal industry, especially for power plants such as trough and Fresnel systems, and for middle temperature applications. With over 150 MW receivers installed in a dozen commercial references, Huiyin is the only Asian receiver manufacturer with receivers in commercial power plants.
Contrary to other producers, Huiyin has no EPC activities, nor does it develop projects, or compete with its customers, Huiyin’s goal is to be a strong independent component supplier.
Huiyin will continuously develop its technical leadership position, offer the best price quality ration in the market and strive for new services that enable our customers to build their business. This is because at Huiyin we have a passion for technology and a focus on our customers.