National Basic Research Program of China “Basic Research of high Efficiency Large Scale Solar Thermal Power” project ...


National Basic Research Program of China “Basic Research of high Efficiency Large Scale Solar Thermal Power” project (project number:2010CB227100), which was led by Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences(IEE, CAS), passed reviewing with high distinction on Sep. 28, 2014.

Researcher Huang Xiang, chief scientist of the project, chaired the reviewing meeting. The project was reviewed by a panel of 11 experts, including Mr. Cheng Shijie, expert of energy field advisory group of 973 Program and academician of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Mr. Xuan Yimin, professor of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Mr. Cai Ningsheng, professor of Tsinghua University, Mr. Xu Jianzhong, academician of CAS, and researcher Chen Linxin, etc. More 50 persons attended the meeting, including Mr. Zhao Huibing, vice director from Bureau of Frontier Sciences and Education CAS, supporting unit of the project, Mr. Xiao Liye, director of IEE,CAS, Mr. Song Tao, director of Science and Technology Department, IEE,CAS, and Mr. Wang Zhifeng, researcher of IEE, CAS, etc.

Xiao Liye, director of IEE made a speech on the opening ceremony of the reviewing meeting. Researcher Huang Xiang gave a detailed statement on the reviewing procedures and requirements. On the Meeting, project reviewing panel listened to the reports from the 6 task directors, based on execution of the project, innovative achievement, level of research, personnel training, etc, and did thorough material checking and on-site inquiries. The panel agreed that, with the 5 years of implement of this project, the project team had made breakthroughs on key and fundamental problems of CSP, with outstanding innovation, strong interdisciplinarity and open data sharing. It also trained a research team that has international influence, reasonable age structure, united and positive attitude, and innovation and creativity. The 6 tasks were all affirmed distinction by the 11 experts from the panel by secret ballot.

The project was launched in January 2010, lasting for 4 years and 8 months. The project team consists of 8 organizations, and they are IEECAS, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Hehai University, SunYat-sen University, Beijing University of Technology and Wuhan University of Technology.

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