2023 Blue Book on China’s Concentrating Solar Power industry published

Updated:2024-02-22 15:09Source:SolarPACES

SolarPACES announces the publication of the 2023 edition of Blue Book of China’s Concentrating Solar Power industry, by China Solar Thermal Alliance.

It offers an update of China’s CSP development, with the enabling legislation listed by month and by province, and provides all the details of the operation of the eight CSP projects completed by the end of 2023.

This includes the power prices and investment costs of CSP projects in China, pathways to lowering costs, and technical and economic comparisons of CSP with molten salt with other solar and storage options.

Moreover, the publication identifies key stakeholders in China’s CSP sector, assesses manufacturing capacities, highlights encountered challenges, and furnishes policy directives aimed at fostering the advancement of China’s CSP industry.

The complete PDF version of this document is available in SolarPACES website, Publications and Reports section in the following link: https://www.solarpaces.org/

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