The world's first solar thermal power plant simulator developed successfully in
Chinese Academy of Sciences
2012-05-08 14:03:02
Under the support of 863 project, 973 project in National Eleventh Five-Year Plan and
Chinese Academy of Sciences Knowledge Innovation project, the solar thermal power laboratory of the
Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences has developed the first international solar thermal power plant simulator successfully in December 2010. In the debug process, the design parameters and operating parameters matched well and broke through the original technology, which indicates that
China solar thermal power generation simulation technology has reached the world advanced level.

The solar power tower plant simulator consists of computer and simulation software. The simulation software includes the STAR-90 simulation platform, the solar power plant operator interface and modeling software. The modeling software is composed of heliostats field model, the heat absorption system model, the energy storage system model and the conventional power plant model. .Each model is connected by mass, energy and information, forming the whole power plant system model.
The system based on the experimental solar thermal power station of the Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Badaling made the heliostat field, over-thermal absorber, multiphase heat storage system, auxiliary boiler, water supply system, and electrical and thermal control systems modeled and simulated, achieving operation in multiple loading conditions for the whole process. The system can load the modules of parabolic trough collectors, air heat absorber module and a variety of thermal energy storage modules to form parabolic trough power plant simulator and solar Brayton cycle system simulator.

The solar thermal power plant simulator of 863 Project have finished the construction of the working fluid properties calculation subroutine library, model algorithm library of unique solar thermal power generation equipment, specialized software, equipment model diagram design and system model construction since established in 2006. The establishments of the mathematical and physical models and full-DCS are the difficulties and emphasis in the non-steady-state research of light-heat-power conversion process. There are few case and articles at home and abroad, and the research process completely relies on independent innovation of China's scientific researchers. The mathematical model and control logic are developed through repeated demonstration. It is reported that this solar thermal power plant simulator developed in China has created a precedent for the world solar thermal power plant simulator.
The solar thermal power plant simulator plays an important role in the process optimization, design, construction plans and power plant operator training. It also plays an active role in commercialization process of solar thermal power plant.