Engineers India Limited Forms Strategic Alliance for Concentrated Solar Power Solutions

Updated:2023-08-14 11:56Source:Howard Rhodes

Engineers India Limited (EIL), a renowned engineering consultancy organization, has announced its collaboration with the Concentrating Solar Technology Group – Sunrise CSP Group. This partnership aims to enhance EIL’s sustainable energy solutions portfolio.

The Sunrise CSP Group consists of Sunrise CSP India Pvt Ltd, Sunrise CSP International Ltd in Cyprus, and Sunrise CSP Pty Ltd in Australia. Together, they bring expertise and experience in the field of concentrating solar technology.

With this strategic alliance, Engineers India Limited seeks to expand its capabilities in sustainable energy projects. Concentrating solar technology harnesses the power of the sun to generate electricity, making it an environmentally friendly energy solution with numerous benefits.

By joining forces with the Sunrise CSP Group, EIL will be able to offer a wider range of sustainable energy solutions to its clients. This collaboration will bring together the technical knowledge and resources of both organizations, creating opportunities for innovation and growth in the renewable energy sector.

This partnership is a significant step for Engineers India Limited as it demonstrates their commitment to addressing the global need for sustainable energy solutions. With the expertise of the Sunrise CSP Group, EIL is well-positioned to contribute to the development of renewable energy infrastructure in India and beyond.

In conclusion, Engineers India Limited’s strategic alliance with the Concentrating Solar Technology Group – Sunrise CSP Group reflects their dedication to expanding their sustainable energy solutions portfolio. This partnership will enable them to offer innovative and environmentally friendly solutions to clients, contributing to the growth of the renewable energy sector.

Howard Rhodes

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