Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IEE) and Electricite de France (EDF) CSP cooperation signing ceremony was held in IEE on June 10, 2014. Attendees from French side include: Dr. Michel MASCHI, Head of EDF R&D’s Global Operations, Dr. Erwann DEBOS, deputy general manager and CFO of EDF – Asia Pacific branch China division, Dr. Chen Guofei, director of China research and development center of EDF, Dr. Alan YUAN, Chinese Affairs director of EDF-R&D, MS. Christine PATTE, International Affairs director of EDF-R&D, etc. Attendees from Chinese side include: Dr. Xiao Liye, director of IEE, Dr. Wang Zhifeng, director of the Key Lab of Solar Thermal Energy and Photovoltaic System of CAS, Ms. Du Fengli, director of Beijing CSP international cooperation center, Dr. Xu Ershu, researcher of IEE, Dr. Li xin, researcher of IEE, Mr. Liu Xiaobing, secretary-general of National Solar Thermal Energy Alliance.
Early in September 19, 2011, IEE and EDF signed Memorandum of Understanding, and started CSP technologies cooperation based on Badaling Solar Thermal Power Plant. The first phase of cooperation (2011-2014) achieved fruitful results. On this basis, the two sides decided to deepen cooperation in order to promote the application of solar thermal power technology research and its commercialization. On the signing ceremony on June 10, Dr. Xiao Liye, director of IEE, expressed his warm welcome to French guests, and his willing to give strong support and assistance to the cooperation. Dr. Michel MASCHI, head of EDF R&D’s Global Operations, said the development of clean energy in China impressed him deeoply, the equipment and facilities in Badaling solar thermal power plant is suitable for carrying out scientific research. In the past three years, EDF and IEE had cooperated well with each other, and altogether about 100 colleagues visited Badaling solar thermal power plant. Vice president of EDF planed to visit Badaling power plant together with 40 senior team members. EDF hopes the two sides could have long-term cooperation, and also hopes deepen the cooperation on CSP commercialized technologies. Dr. Chen Guofei, director of China research and development center of EDF, expressed his wish to take part in the commercialized projects conducted recently.
For further smooth cooperation, Dr. Wang Zhifeng and Dr. Erwann DEBOS introduced the development of researches and projects conducted by each side. After the report, Dr. Wang Zhifeng, Dr. Michel MASCHI and Dr. Erwann DEBOS singed the contract, opening a new era for IEE-EDF CSP cooperation.

in the meeting

Director Xiao Liye addressing the signing ceremony
Dr. Michel MASCHI addressing the signing ceremony

signing the contract