The First Round Call of 2012 Sanya International CSP Forum


August 21-23, 2012 Sanya Hainan


To strength the communications in the field of concentrating solar power (CSP) technology and promote the commercialization process of CSP technology, 2012 the 6th Sanya International CSP Forum will be held on 21-23 August in Sanya, Hainan Province. This forum is sponsored by Chinese Renewable Energy Society and Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, and organized by National Alliance for Solar Thermal Energy, Ministry of Science and Technology, and supported by Hainan Renewable Energy Association and Himin Solar Co., Ltd.


The forum was inaugurated in 2007 and is held in Sanya city every year, which is the only large international annual seminar in Asia concerning solar thermal power technology. The participants cover a wide range, including experts and scholars in CSP field, industrial staff, investors and governmental officials.



Chinese Renewable Energy Society

Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics
Department of High and New Technology Development and Industrialization, Ministry of Science and Technology


National Alliance for Solar Thermal Energy, Ministry of Science and Technology



Hainan Renewable Energy Association

Himin Solar Co., Ltd


Forum theme:

Promoting the CSP technology into commercialization


Forum topics

1. Scientific issues and basic researches on solar thermal technology

2. Solar power tower

3. Parabolic trough collectors

4. Linear Fresnel collectors

5. Dish/Engine systems

6. Thermal storage

7. Commercial and demonstration projects in the world

8. Policies and marketing

9. Equipments, controls and modeling

10. Flux and temperature measurements

11. Grid integration and transmission

12. Resource assessment

13. Solar fuel and water desalination

14. Solar hybrid

15. New concepts


Paper submission requirements:

1. The forum language will be both Chinese and English. Forum presentations are expected to reflect the latest research and achievements of CSP both at home and abroad. Papers submitted should not be published in neither domestic nor foreign journals or presented in any other academic conferences.

2. To ensure an orderly forum process, for those who will do oral presentations, please submit the title and abstract of your presentation in English (Chinese participants should submit that both in English and Chinese) before the abstract submission deadline.

Abstract format requirements:

l        Title: in the middle, Boldface in small 2 point font.

l        Author: in the middle, Song Typeface in 4 point font.

l        Company name and zip code: in the middle Song Typeface in 5 point font.

l        E-mail address: Times New Roman in 5 point font.

l        Chinese abstract and Chinese key words: Song Typeface in 5 point font.

l        English title: in the middle, Times New Roman in small 2 point font.

l        Author’s English name: in the middle Times New Roman in 4 point font.

l        English name of author’s company and zip code: in the middle, Times New Roman in 5 point font.

l        English abstract and English key words: Times New Roman in 5 point font.

l        Author’s brief introduction: Song Typeface in Chinese and in 5 point font.

3.  Please add a brief introduction of the first author(less than 100 words) to the end of your paper.

4.  Deadline

Abstract submission deadline: June 20, 2012

Date of acceptance notification: July 25, 2012

5. Please submit your papers to with a subject of “Paper for 2011 Sanya International CSP Forum”. Please provide at least a reliable E-mail Address and write the detailed contact information of the author at the end of your paper, including detailed corresponding address, zip code, telephone number, mobile number and E-mail address.

6.  Enterprise propaganda and promotion for its business activities is not accepted.

7. For those who will present in the forum, please prepare your presentation in formats of Word, PDF, or PPT. No limits on page number. All full papers will be published in printed proceeding.



With registration, attendees could have forum related materials and conference proceeding as well as conference meals. The transportation and accommodation expenses will be borne by attendee himself.

Registration Fee


Before 15 July, 2012

After 15 July, 2012

domestic attendee

3300 RMB yuan

3600 RMB yuan

domestic student

1600 RMB yuan

1800 RMB yuan

foreign attendee

800 US dollar

900 US dollar

foreign student

400 US dollar

450 US dollar

Please fully fill in the registration table below, and send it back to the conference secretary for early registration by email before Aug 15, 2012.

Registration table

Company name



company name




Yes□ No□

Corresponding address


Zip code



























The participants can remit the full payment into the following bank account before Aug 15, 2012. It’s required to write the name of attendees and the invoiced company name, amount of money and item clearly.


Beneficiary: Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences

BNS' Name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Beijing Municipal Branch, Beijing, PRC

A/C No. : 0200004509088121180


4. Contact Secretariat:

Tel: +86-10-82547214

Fax: +86-10-82547214

Ms. Cheng Wenyan:  +86-13366970168.


Forum Website:

Corresponding address: Room 223, Beijing P.O. Box 2703, Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (100190)

                                                                                                                    March 26, 2012



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