The Expert Committee

According to Article 3.1 of Accession Agreement on China National Solar Thermal Energy Alliance, the Expert Committee is the advisory board of the Alliance. The expert committee is appointed by the presidents of the joint meeting in each session. It is composed of the well-known engineering technologists, entrepreneurs, economic experts and policy research experts in and out of the industry. The term of appointment is the same as that of each president of joint meeting. The role of the expert committee is to provide advice and suggestions for the decision-making of the council of directors and the presidents of joint meeting; to propose the technical development orientation, planning and key projects of the alliance; to participate in the initiation, demonstration, review and acceptance of a project, as well as providing relevant advisory opinions.
The Third Expert Committee of China National Solar Thermal Energy Alliance:
Chairman of the Committee: Jin Hongguang, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Researcher and Doctoral Advisor at the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 1998, he was elected to the “Hundred Talents Program” of Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 1999, he was awarded the China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists and Chief Scientist of the National 973 Program. He has long been engaged in the theory and methods study of thermodynamics and energy dynamics systems. He established the energy quality theory of cascading utilization of fuel chemical energy and multi-energy complementation, and proposed distributed CHP system, coal-based polygeneration system for power and chemical production, etc. In terms of greenhouse gas control, he discovered a new phenomenon of directional migration of burning CO2, and proposed a chemical-looping combustion power system for CO2 capture. In terms of orderly release of fuel chemical energy, CPV thermal chemical power generation, non-flaming combustion, he has made significant innovative contributions to fuel and energy conservation at source and greenhouse gas control. The internationally authoritative United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) pointed out in the Special Report on the Capture and Storage (CCS) of CO2 (2005) that “Mr. Jin Hongguang and scientists have made significant contributions to the study of chemical-looping combustion”.
Deputy Director, Member: Ma Chongfang, Professor. Director of Key Laboratory for “Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation”, Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Technology, Director of Beijing Key Laboratory for “Heat Transfer and Energy Utilization”, Member of Advisory Group on Energy for National Key Basic Research Development Program (973 Program), Deputy Director of National Key Laboratory for “Power Engineering Multiphase Flow”, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Member of Academic Committee of Key Laboratory for “Reactor Safety and Engineering”, Tsinghua University, and Director of the Heat and Mass Transfer Branch of Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics. His main research fields include strengthened heat transfer and application, boiling heat transfer and jet impinging heat transfer, solar thermal utilization technology, building energy efficiency, etc.
Deputy Director, Member: Huang Xiang, Professor-level Senior Engineer. He graduated from Southeast University with a major in thermal power and is engaged in the design and construction of thermal power and new energy. He receives special government allowance from the State Council. He was the Chief Engineer of China Huadian Engineering Co., Ltd. and the editor of Huadian Technology magazine, Director of Fuel Coal and Power Coal-fired Machinery Standardization Committee, Deputy Director of National Energy Distributed Energy Technology Research and Development (Experimental) Center, Chief Scientist of the Solar Thermal Power Generation Project of National Major Basic Research 973 Program, and Member of the Expert Group for “the Twelfth Five-Year Plan” National Science and Technology Key Special Project (Solar Power Generation Special Project).
Member: Yang Xudong, Professor. Doctor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Distinguished Professor of the Yangtze River Scholar of the Ministry of Education. He is currently Deputy Director of the Institute of Building Environment and Equipment at Tsinghua University and Director of the Center for Rural Energy Efficiency and New Energy Research at Tsinghua University. He is a tenured professor and Director of the Laboratory for Building Environment System at the University of Miami. He takes charge of the Associate Editor of the international journal Building and Environment and editor of Building Simulation. He presided over a number of projects for passive solar buildings, solar building heating and cooling, and rural energy saving. The research results have been widely applied.
Member: Liu Xiaobing, Senior Engineer. President of Focusing Solar Science and Technology (Beijing) Co.,Ltd. He graduated from Shenyang College of Technology with a major in mechanical design. At the end of 2003, he began to engage in research on solar thermal power generation. He served as Deputy Director of the Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences - the Himin solar energy Group joint laboratory; the research team leader of the National “the Eleventh Five-Year Plan” 863 project for “high-precision daylight positioning method research and complete equipment development”; Deputy General Manager (R&D) of the US individual proprietorship Solar and Environmental Technologies (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. and Vice President (R&D) of Solar ETC (China); General Manager (executive director) of Shenyang Taihang Equipment Technology Co., Ltd.; Secretary-General of China National Solar Thermal Energy Alliance; Deputy director of China New Energy Overseas Development Alliance; member of the Expert Team of the “the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” Key Special Project for Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Energy Technology .
Member: Xu Ershu, Researcher. Researcher at North China Electric Power University. He has been engaged in research on thermal power plants for 30 years and started research on solar thermal power generation in 2012. Chief Scientist of the national “the Twelfth Five-Year Plan” solar trough-type thermal power project. He has presided over the national “the Twelfth Five-Year Plan” 863 theme project for “research and demonstration for solar trough heat collection and power generation technology”, the national “the Twelfth Five-Year” 863 project for “research and demonstration system for trough heat collection and power generation system test platform”, “Research on Solar Tower Power Station System Simulation Technology and Power Plant Engineering Technology” of the “Research on Key Technologies of Solar Tower Thermal Power Generation”, which is the major project of the Knowledge Innovation Project of the Academy of Sciences, “large-scale solar thermal power generation system integration and regulation strategy” of national “973” project for “basic research on efficient large-scale solar thermal power generation”, the Beijing Science and Technology Commission project for “research on grid connection of solar thermal power generation system”; participated in the research on the national “the Eleventh Five-Year Plan” 863 key project for “overall design technology and integration of solar tower thermal power generation systems”. He is well versed in the field of simulation technology for thermal power generation and solar thermal power stations.
Member: Zong Jun, Professor-level Senior Engineer. PhD, Department of Physics, University of Hong Kong. He is currently Director of the Solar Energy Institute of the Institution of Science and Technology of State Power Investment Corporation, Ltd and Deputy director of China National Solar Thermal Energy Alliance. He was Manager of Northern Region of Hong Kong Keyi Instrument Co., Ltd.; Vice General Manager of Beijing Innova Superconductor Technology Co., Ltd.; Manager of Northern Region of KLA-Tencor Technology Company, in USA; engaged in basic theory research on amorphous silicon thin film solar cell during his study and work at Chinese Academy of Sciences; focused on the synthesis and mechanism research of high-temperature superconducting materials during PhD period; focused on the research of the production process of high-temperature superconducting wires, the application and promotion of superconducting materials during his work at Innova Superconductor Technology Co., Ltd. Among them, the research on synthesis and application of high-temperature superconducting materials were granted the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award.
Member: Zhao Min, Professor-level Senior Engineer. Deputy Chief Engineer of the Electrical Planning and Design Institute. He graduated from North China Electric Power University, specializing in thermal power. He is currently engaged in providing advisory services for engineering design of thermal power generation and solar thermal power generation. At the same time, he serves as a member of the Collaboration Network of Clean and Efficient Power Generation Technology, Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, a member of Standardization of Power Station Boiler in Power Industry Committee of China Electricity Council and a member of the Editorial Committee for Thermal Engine Technology of China Electrical Planning and Design Institute’s Locomotive Professional Committee. He has participated in multiple policy researches on national solar thermal power generation, thermal power project consulting and review, power industry solar thermal power generation standard preparation or review, and relevant technical exchanges.
Member: Wang Jixue, Professor-level Senior Engineer. Deputy Director of the New Energy Department of China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute. He graduated from Zhejiang University majored in power system and power electronics. His main responsibilities are to provide technical services related to renewable energy power generation, including technical standards for wind power, solar energy, and biomass energy projects in all construction periods, five-year planning for national wind and solar power generation, research on renewable energy-related policies, and technical demonstration and evaluation of national renewable energy demonstration projects and energy bases.
Member: Zhang Xinrong, Professor. Doctoral Advisor of the Department of Energy and Resource Engineering, College of Engineering, Peking University. He is Director of Engineering Technology Research Center for Urban Thermal Management in Beijing, President of Beijing Energy Association, and Director of Peking University Center for New Energy Systems. He is the founder of a number of natural working fluids CO2 power generation, refrigeration and heating thermodynamic cycles, a well-known researcher in the field of thermodynamic cycle of natural working fluids and its heat and mass transfer. He has achieved groundbreaking research results in the fields of super/near-critical fluid dynamics and heat transfer, micro-nano particle phase change heat transfer, and new functional fluid materials. In recent years, he has focused his technology research and development on the production, transmission, storage, conversion and utilization of renewable thermal energy; the efficient use of cold and thermal energy in buildings and industrial processes. He has published more than 180 papers in international journals, been authorized with and applied for more than 60 patents. He is a member of the editorial board of four international journals such as International Journal of Energy Research, International Journal of Global Warming. He has won many honorary titles such as Beijing New Star for Science and Technology, Hangzhou Thousand Experts, and China Highly Cited Scholar in Elsevier Energy Field.

Member: Hong Hui, Researcher. Researcher of Institute for Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He graduated from Chinese Academy of Sciences with a major in Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics and has been engaged in research on solar thermal chemistry for 10 years. Currently, his researches focus on complementary thermal power generation of solar energy and fossil energy, CO2 capture with low energy consumption. As the chief, he has received support from important scientific research projects such as National High-Tech Research and Development Planning Project (863), Sub-project for National Key Basic Research and Development Planning Project (973), a number of Natural Science Foundation of China Projects, and Subproject for Chinese Academy of Sciences Knowledge Innovation Project. He has published more than 60 academic papers in ASME Trans, Solar Energy, Combustion and Flame, Energy and other important academic journals at home and abroad, of which more than 30 articles have been included in SCI International Search System. His research results won the 3rd “International Conference on Green Energy” Best Paper Award and the 19th “ECOS Young Scientist” title. In 2012, he was invited to participate in the compilation of one chapter of “Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Technology” by the internationally renowned publishing house Wood Head Publishing. He has served as a reviewer for more than 10 international journals and served as members of scientific committees of international conferences such as “International Conference on Energy Water and Environment Systems” .

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