New Policy of Concentrated Solar Power Technology in China

Updated:2021-07-01 15:54Source:CSTA

Based on the document issued last Feb. ( the Ministry of Finance will not allocate the subsidiary  to new CSP projects), on June 11, 2021, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Notice on 2021 New Energy Plants Feed-in Tariff Policy”, stating that:

Starting from 2021, the on-grid price of newly approved (recorded) Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) projects will be set by the local provincial price authorities, no more from the central government. The qualified ones can be formed through competitive allocation. For the electricity price, the part within the benchmark price of coal power plant shall be settled by the grid company, and the part that is higher than the benchmark price of coal  power plant will be solved by the overall financing of the local provinces.

Regarding of the first batch of demo CSP projects organized by the National Energy Administration (NEA), another document stated that CSP projects that connects to the grid with full-capacity by the end of 2021 enjoys feed in tariff of 1.15¥RMB/kWh.

In order to promote the exchange of CSP technology, China Solar Thermal Alliance (referred to CSTA), Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Renewable Energy Society, Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering and National Technical Committee 565 on Solar Thermal Electric Plants of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC565) will host 2021 China Solar Thermal Electricity Conference from Aug. 18-20, 2021 in Huzhou city, Zhejiang Province.

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