Liquid air energy storage (LAES) has been regarded as a large-scale electrical storage technology. In this paper, we first investigate the performance of the current LAES (termed as a baseline LAES) over a far wider range of charging pressure (1 to 21 MPa).
Our analyses show that the baseline LAES could achievean electrical round trip efficiency (eRTE) above 60% at a high charging pressure of 19 MPa. The baseline LAES, however, produces a large amount of excess heat particularly at low charging pressures with the maximum occurred at~1 MPa. Hence, the performance of the baseline LAES, especially at low charging pressures, is underestimated by only considering electrical energy in all the previous research. The performance of the baseline LAES with excess heat is then evaluated which gives a high eRTE even at lower charging pressures; the local maximum of 62% is achieved at ~4 MPa.
As a result of the above, a hybrid LAES system is proposed to provide cooling, heating, hot water and power. To evaluate the performance of the hybrid LAES system, three performance indicators are considered: nominal-electrical round trip efficiency (neRTE), primary energy savings and avoided carbon dioxide emissions. Our results show that the hybrid LAES can achieve a high neRTE between 52% and 76%, with the maximum at ~5 MPa. For a given size of hybrid LAES (1 MW×8 h), the primary energy savings and avoided carbon dioxide emissions are up to 12.1 MWh and 2.3 ton, respectively.
These new findings suggest, for the first time, that small-scale LAES systems could be best operated at lower charging pressures and the technologies have a great potential for applications in local decentralized micro energy networks.
SHE Xiaohui, ZHANG Tongtong, PENG Xiaodong, WANG Li, TONG Lige, LUO Yimo, ZHANG Xiaosong, DING Yulong
Corresponding author: DING Yulong
E-mail: y.ding@bham.ac.uk
Journal of Thermal Science, 2021, 30(1): 1-17.
Keywords: liquid air energy storage, cryogenic energy storage, micro energy grids, combined heating, cooling and power supply, heat pump
Open Access