Welcome to SolarPACES 2024

Updated:2024-10-08 11:52Source:SolarPACES

Welcome to the 30th SolarPACES Conference! Its long history and the outstanding and diverse program makes it the world's leading conference on concentrating solar thermal technology.

This year, we will be in Italy, where history and modernity lie close together, not only in architecture: The first CSP demo plant in Italy, Archimede, was inaugurated already in 2010. It was the first one to use molten salt for heat transfer and storage in a parabolic trough system. Last year, the first Italian CSP commercial plant has gone into operation and others are currently in the advanced construction or commissioning phase.

As always, this conference will be ideal for learning about new projects, research endeavors, and new market opportunities. It will take place from October 8-11, 2024 in Rome, Italy in the Auditorium della Tecnica

Join us for the 30th SolarPACES Anniversary in Italy - we are very happy to welcoming you in person at the conference in Rome!


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